Categorie:Frase in het Engels
Index |
A - Ab - Ad - Ag - Al - Ap - As - Au - B - Be - Bi - Bo - Br - Bu - C - Ce - Ci - Co - Cr - Cu - D - De - Di - Do - Dr - Du - E - Ed - Ei - Em - Er - Ev - F - Fe - Fi - Fo - Fr - Fu |
Pagina’s in categorie "Frase in het Engels"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 377 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina)A
- a cappella
- a fortiori
- according to
- add fuel to the fire
- all the more so
- all's well that ends well
- also known as
- American football
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ammo dump
- ammunition basket
- ammunition belt
- ammunition boots
- ammunition box
- ammunition carrier
- ammunition chest
- ammunition compound
- ammunition depot
- ammunition dump
- ammunition factory
- ammunition hoist
- ammunition lot
- ammunition lot number
- ammunition plant
- ammunition pocket
- ammunition pouch
- ammunition shortage
- ammunition supply
- ammunition supply point
- ammunition train
- ammunition waggon
- ammunition wagon
- and now for something completely different
- apart from
- appeal for
- apple banana
- apple pie
- arms depot
- asl
- at home
- at least
- at length
- at your peril
- augmented fifth
- augmented fourth
- augmented octave
- augmented prime
- augmented second
- augmented seventh
- augmented sixth
- augmented third
- augmented unison
- avant la lettre
- baby carriage
- baby carrot
- baby carrots
- bank account
- be cooking
- bearded tit
- bearing surface
- beast of prey
- beautiful demoiselle
- benefit of the doubt
- big bang
- big boss
- big business
- bite wound
- black box
- black metal
- black red
- blind date
- bomb dump
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- braided wire
- bungee jumping
- burn out
- café au lait
- camel toe
- car crash
- carry out
- cell phone
- charge with
- cheese sauce
- chicken breast
- chicken breast half
- chicken breast halves
- chicken broth
- chief technical officer
- Christian name
- clamber about
- clamber aloft
- clamber into
- clamber out
- clamber over
- clamber up
- clay pigeon shooting
- clay target shooting
- clean sweep
- close harmony
- close hauled
- cold turkey
- collect call
- collector's item
- common rail
- common sense
- corporate governance
- crawl space
- credit squeeze